VTech Holdings Limited Sustainability Report 2015 - page 14

VTech Holdings Limited
Materiality Assessment
The material sustainability aspects identified by the stakeholders were based on the results of the materiality assessment
surveys conducted in FY2015. The results were mapped with the key sustainability aspects assessed by VTech’s senior
management and illustrated in the following chart.
All of the aspects shown in the chart are referred to GRI G4 Guidelines. These aspects were considered as material for reporting
by VTech on the basis that they have significant impact on and opportunity for environmental and social improvements through
our enhancement in operations.
The labelled aspects lie within the shaded area of the Chart are the most important items on our sustainable development
identified by both VTech and the stakeholders in the materiality assessment surveys. Besides, in accordance with the
requirements of Core option of the GRI G4 Guidelines, we have also covered all the material aspects in our Sustainability
Report 2015, including the Key Performance Indexes (KPIs) which are most representative and effective in reflecting our project
progress, and our management approach to address each material aspect with related sustainability activities and case studies.
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